

My son is 3 weeks old today, and it has been the most eventful 3 weeks of mine and Husband's life. Our little guy has had so many appointments already. He has had a tongue tie that needed to be fixed, his normal visits with his pediatrician, his PKU test, and his weekly orthopedist appointments to get his club foot fixed.

Needless to say it has been 3 weeks of a very different schedule each time for Mommy and Daddy. His feedings have become more successful and his foot has already made great progress in 2 weeks. We are praying that the castings will not have to be for much longer.

I am learning that for a while, I will not be able to do what I could before, physically and time wise. I used to be able to clean quickly and accomplish so much in a day, and it now seems like it is a miracle if I can get in a long hot shower. It has been an adjustment physically as well. I am not used to the 4-6 week healing process and not being able to exercise or do any heavy lifting has been quite the challenge.

BUT I would not trade any of it for anything in the world. It has been such an adventure getting to know our son, and he is by far the most adorable thing I have ever laid my eyes on. I am learning that for now to be content with accomplishing one thing at a time. These days where he is this little will not last for long, and I know that it is something that I do not want to miss out on!

I look forward to doing so much more with the blog this year! It will include more posts on fashion, motherhood, crafting, and just our everyday life. I look forward to all the plans that I have for this year.


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